Video Series
Next Generation Leaders with Martin O'Neill
In preparation for his upcoming book, “Next Generation Leaders,” Consultant and Business Leader Martin O’Neill sat down with several dozen CEOS to uncover the leadership strategies and tactics they developed to move their companies toward a state of growth and prosperity. In these friendly, open forum style interviews, O’Neill engages with business leaders from a variety of industries to uncover the ways they build a culture of leadership.
Season 2
Season 1

Episode 13: Mark Ryan – The Art of Setting Expectations, Mark Ryan, President, Chesapeake Mission Critical

Episode 12: Donna Kolb Boesl – Balancing Competency with Dedication and Passion, Donna Kolb Boesl, CEO, Walter Electric

Episode 11: Chris McGoff: Enrollment as a Driver for Change, Chris McGoff, CEO The Clearing

Episode 10: Chris Sachse: Long Term Relationships with Innovation and Relevancy, Chris Sachse, CEO, Horsetail Technologies

Episode 9: Pat Cooley: Connecting the Dots, Pat Cooley, CEO, RelianceNet

Episode 8: Drew Cohen: Grooming Leaders that Connect the Dots, Drew Cohen, President and CEO, MasterPeace Solutions

Episode 7: Smitha Gopal: Making Everyone Better, Smitha Gopal, CEO, Eyemaginations

Episode 6: Mike Posko: With Noble Intent, Mike Posko, CEO, Habitat for Humanity of the Chesapeake

Episode 5: Ray Schwemmer: A Company of Technologists and a Great Place to Work, Ray Schwemmer, CEO, CollabraSpace

Episode 4: Michael Spinosa: Building Commitment and Sense of Ownership, Michael Spinosa, CEO, Unleashed Technologies

Episode 3: Anna Gavin – Vision Through a Generational Lens., Anna Gavin, President, Fireline Corporation

Episode 2: Mark Cissell: Vision Beyond Convention, Mark Cissell, CEO, President & Director of KatzAbosch
Marty provided KSSI with consulting services from 2007-2009. Marty was a great asset as he provided business consultation in a wide range of areas to include identification of highly qualified management personnel resources, advice with business strategy, change management, and staff development, and he also facilitated business strategy workshops for us. His extensive knowledge, resources, and experiences were extremely helpful to me.