The Big 5 – 0

Last night we celebrated the big 5-0. Fifty candles, fifty years, five decades, four score minus thirty … fifty years. It’s been a month in the workings and we just got around to celebrating Saturday night.  Friends, family, neighbors, clients, colleagues, old ruggers all stopped by to wish me well. Pilots, accountants, Doctors, lawyers, engineers, salespeople, you name it … they all did their best to make me feel miserable and great at the same time. We ate, we drank, we played music and dodged the thunderstorms all in a wonderful evening of reflection, jokes, tears and song.

My Doctor came by and told me “I’ve got you this far, you’re on your own now”. But after a night of reminiscing and thinking about the past and future, you become even more aware that any success you’ve had and any success you may have is a reflection of those you’ve shared your life with.

It was a good night to remind myself that I may be standing on third base, but I sure as heck didn’t hit a triple!

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